Scholastic Visions

Scholastic Visions is the official newsletter of the IHSSBCA. It includes the most current articles on scholastic bowl in Illinois. Scholastic Visions is released quarterly online and in print (for an additional fee) to IHSSBCA members. To join the IHSSBCA and receive the newsletter, visit our membership page or our online shop. Members can use this link to access the newsletter archives and download past issues.

Download the June 2024 issue of Scholastic Visions from the newsletter archives

The first issue of each year’s newsletter (link at the bottom of the page) is free to all community members. Further issues of the newsletter are released to IHSSBCA members. In this issue:

IESA Champions
Congratulations to IESA Champions Next Generation and Twin Groves! Read about their State Championship tournament in this issue >

National Tournament Competitors
Congratulations to all Illinois competitors at IPNCT, IAC Nationals, SSNCT, MSNCT, HSNCT, NSC, and NASAT!
Read about national tournaments in this issue >

Illinois Schools Make End-of-Year National Top Teams Lists
Fifty-three teams were ranked among the top 500 teams in the nation based on the End-of-Season high school Groger Ranks statistical ranking, and seven middle school teams made the top 150 middle school teams ranked by MSQBRank.
Read more in this issue >

Submit photos or articles to Scholastic Visions

Email Kristin Strey to have your submission published. All submissions, from tournament recaps to opinion pieces, are welcome!

Download the first issue of this year’s Scholastic Visions for free.

  October 2023 (17.8 MiB, 478 hits)

2020-2021 Issues
On a rolling basis, archived volumes of the newsletter are released for free reading.

  October 2020 (2.7 MiB, 214 hits)

  December 2020 (3.4 MiB, 955 hits)

  April 2021 (10.2 MiB, 577 hits)

  June 2021 (2.8 MiB, 316 hits)

All issues may be read by IHSSBCA members from the newsletter archives.